15 years of Sobriety. Happy. Grateful. Alive.
The number 15 holds special significance — it represents balance and harmony. In Eastern philosophy, 15 symbolizes the journey toward self-mastery and spiritual growth, a reminder that true strength comes from within.
1️⃣5️⃣ years
180 months
782 weeks
5,479 days
131,490 hours
7,889,400 minutes
473,364,000 seconds
If you need to talk, the 988 Lifeline is here. Call or text 247 to 988
AA/NA - Find a Meeting | http://www.aa.org | https://na.org
RAINN - Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline: 800.656.HOPE (4673)
Really struggling? Call or text me 617-233-8324
The gentlest possible reminder: "It's Chaos, Be Kind".
How it started:
How it’s going:
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