
Track Your Ballots

Elections and Voting aren't perfect...

"Lost your ballot in the mail? You can still vote today! Check your ballot status on the MA website to ensure your voice is heard. Remember, just like IDIC from Star Trek, our differences make us stronger.

🌟🗳 #ElectionDay #IDIC #StarTrek"

Election day everybody! I'm just gonna give you two clips here from my TikTok and I just wanted to get this message out here especially if you voted by mail. I think you should all know about what I had to deal with and also a little thing about IDIC from Star Trek. Voting isn't perfect.

"We had a problem". I mailed our ballots and they never received them so I am here on election day going to get a new ballot. Cancel the other one, and vote. I'm at the gym, but I haven't been here in a while. So I hope they don't call me out for not exercising. Got it. It's got my little sticker. So it's a reminder. If you're like me, someone's playing basketball. I hope she's having fun. If you're like me and they lost your ballot in the mail, the postal service lost it, you can still today, go to the track your ballot on the MA website. Type in, track my ballot into Google and a lot of options will come up. You're gonna go to the state link and track your ballot and see that they got it. And then if they didn't get it and you're just trying to vote early by mail but it's convenient for you to get to the polling place, you can do that today. So be sure you do that. All right.

Hey folks! Trekkin through Trek. Captain on the Bridge, Special Pre Election Edition, First Edition. And, by the way, why don't they ever say Captain on the Bridge on Enterprise? I'd like to know that. Maybe they haven't established the right protocols for superior officers on the bridge. Anyways, that's not what I'm here to talk about. Have you ever heard of IDIC? IDIC is a core Vulcan philosophy that stands for Infinite Diversity and Infinite Combinations. It was first heard in the original series episode, "Is There in Truth No Beauty"? IDIC celebrates that there are differences within us that make us stronger. Just like here in the U. S., where democracy thrives on diverse perspectives. IDIC promotes respecting and valuing everyone's unique contributions. So whether it's embracing different cultures and different viewpoints, different ways of life, IDIC reminds us that our differences are our strength. So let's embrace IDIC, celebrate the diversity that makes our communities vibrant and resilient and strong. Live long and prosper. See you at the ballot box.

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