Since I've been working for Dropkick Murphys for over 10 years, I tend to post less in March. Rachel and I help them with St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, and I get to hang with my best friends. But, maybe not this year. Find out why this is both the same and different from 2020 in PART II below.
** real time update- I am now CLEAR to work 3/15/23
Two stripes on a COVID-19 test strip confirmed I was positive, three years later, for the first time. When Stacey was positive and caught it, my tests were clear. I had been doing my best to Avoid The ‘Noid this whole time. I think that the Clan of Xymox show is what did it. I had two shows this week, one was a podcast, and one was a gothic rock show. Two sold-out shows at Crystal Ballroom! No matter what the origin, I am sick.
After I got home from show #2, I was a little sniffly, a little coughy, and tired. Work, in general, is also very busy in March. I was going to crack open the laptop when I got home and dig in. NOPE. I needed a bed. Just before digging in, I asked Stacey if she would rather watch Picard or if she wanted to play her video game while I worked. We can catch up on the new Star Trek later.
I woke up, took the test, and FUUUUCK! Stacey has a burlesque show tonight and a voice showcase tomorrow (you can have my ticket!). I scrambled through some apps and looked at hotels for quarantine. No hotel lets you check in at 8 AM, so I called upon the most band-friendly hotel I know, Freepoint, over by my old office in Alewife. We’ve been sending bands here for years, from Dick Dale (RIP) to The Mighty Mighty BossToneS (RIP) and so many more. They had the hookup. It’s not Motel 6 prices, but not too bad and it's actually pretty nice! I don’t need much from hotels.
I rode my bike here, but that was maybe a mistake. “Oh, I’ve made that ride a million times,” I said. But I was weak, and it was a hard and long ride.
All in the middle of a work day that had many “on sales” (for those not in the know, the day concerts go on sale is the time you promote them after the initial announcement).
I struggled and got through MOST of what I needed to do. I could have shut down, but posting Instagram stories isn’t that taxing.
Then I called my MassHealth doctor. Someone I have never talked to ever. I will now have my first appointment in May! I am of the age to get a colonoscopy, so, there’s that.
I really wanted the Paxlovid treatment. It didn’t take too long to figure that out, as there are some free options for MA residents that I qualify for. You can learn more here (if you get it, remember you saw it here!)
I had a telehealth appointment with a nice lady, maybe the second or third time I have intentionally used FaceTime for a call. The CVS near the hotel had a prescription ready for 6 PM.
Last night, the trip to CVS and Trader Joe’s was like my bike ride. It was a walk I made a million times before, but it was like walking through molasses. There’s a rotary, and it takes kind of forever to just ‘cross the street’ in this neighborhood, but being sick made it like climbing Kilimanjaro.
Last night I slept, ate, worked, and rested, and I fell asleep with Breeders on FX on the TV. I can’t sit and watch regular TV anymore, and hotel TV is even worse. I’m too used to my Apple TV to use a channel guide. That show looks great, but I need to watch it again from the comfort of my couch. Colonizer Martin Freeman stars in the show, which is based on his original idea. Can we have more Sherlock, please?
This morning, even though there is a Starbucks in this hotel, and I love it, there is a Dunkin’ across the street (and the other one next door), but I needed CVS.
This morning’s trek was less arduous. Egg and Cheese Croissant, MediumCoffeeOatMilkOnePumpMocha setting me up for success and blogging capabilities. Stacey calls this substack my Livejournal. I guess it sort of is. My LJ still up!
In A World … Where Bruce Wayne Serves You Your Extra Extra
Whatever the protocols are for my friends next week, I will strictly adhere to them, but let’s take a look at what happened to me in February 2020 in Part II.
PAXEAST 2020 - February 28
PAX! Here I am handing out flyers to Cybertronic Spree (a show that eventually happened) at Brighton Music Hall! The aliens might make it to the next one they said. Maybe handing things out to people transfers germs? I believe it is at least a one-way street!
Apologies if you think this photo is somehow gross or offensive to you! I think it is the cutest one of my toothless phase (still toothless, but now I have good denture$). This was the carefree time of February 2020. I had shows with MC LARS, Schaffer The Darklord, Mega Ran, and Sammus, and saw The Animaniacs Live!
On March 4, 2020, I was in the office and felt sick and cranky! I was being mean to Jordan, our assistant. Then I said, “Oh man, I gotta go to the clinic”. People that work with me know I am super nice, so being mean is really out of character. I rode to Mt. Auburn Hospital and got checked out. They confirmed I was sick and gave me Tamiflu. I was given a mask. I was told to quarantine for 14 days. Sound familiar? I can not confirm that I had the flu or some kind of COVID-PRIME strain, but I do know I never felt that sick before in that way. And that’s how I feel now. And that’s usually how I feel after getting booster shots. So…maybe. I’m not a doctor.
Why does my face look so fat? My muscles sure did ache! Anyway, I healed up, and then it was St. Patrick’s Day time again. And back to me being mean to Jordan. Calling in sick to work and not showing up unless you are DYING has always been the culture. Things have shifted quickly to hybrid work and “Don’t you dare” come into work sick.
Sidebar - I made a poll the other day about which phrase you use
calling OUT of work sick got 5 votes
calling IN to work sick got 1 vote
I’ve always called it ‘calling in’. My friend and former bandmate Mike Demonik (an expert) always called it ‘bangin’ into work’. “I banged in”. There is something very #FUCKWORK about the tone that really appeals to me.
Here was my March 2020 dilemma. Do I go to work with the band, just barely off of my quarantine, to ‘get it done’?
TRUTH BE TOLD, in 2020 (the Dropkick Shows didn’t happen that year), because the literally toxic trait of working through sickness was so ingrained, I WAS TEMPTED to go to work and just sort of be in denial about being sick or hope no one asked about it. I should have been better, but maybe I wouldn’t have been.
Per my last email, sorry, per my introduction to this one, I am saying that today, 2023, NO, I absolutely would NOT go to work with ANY kind of sickness. I will ABSOLUTELY ‘bang in’ according to protocol. Tours tend to have their own protocols, and they are easy to find out about! I am basically in a window where I possibly could still make it, so fingers crossed, but I am NOT breaking any rules because I care for the band and crew! I can watch the Livestream presented by Pega on Friday (tickets are on sale now).
I believe that in-person healthy office life in person is good! I love WeWork, as working from home needs some variety too. I love Central Square and feel at home there.
I am grateful, though, that hybrid to remote is viable for those that can do it. My girlfriend has a job that’s retail, and she loves it. So however you roll, get your money, or if you bang in a lot, the pandemic changed people’s expectations around work. I am definitely not going to tough it out if I am sick and need to work. Even if I am working a show, I will have someone cover for me.
If you are sick, I wish you well. If you are in pain, I wish you no pain. If you are healthy, I hope you appreciate it and enjoy your day!
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Here are a couple of ways to tip me, to keep me flush in Trader Joe’s tangerine juice and medium Dunkin’ ‘regulahs’.
P.S. My latest commission (pls don’t tell Tim I woulda done it for free)