Wonder Woman in Justice League Behind The Scenes. Photo Courtesy of Warner Bros. Used by permission.
Part 6 of 6‼️
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5)
It’s the Final Countdown!
We made it, folks. From beginning to end and back again. I suppose writing a movie review as-you-go is about an unconventional way to do it as it comes, but isn’t that the beauty of language and writing? There’s no wrong way to do it! But this was way more work than my original review of the movie, and I am thinking of doing at least one more post here to compare the two, but man do I need to take a break!
U.S.Agent - Photo Credit: marvel.com
We attempted to take on Falcon and The Winter Soldier S1 E01 over at LeaguePodcast last night and the only shield on my mind was Diana’s. Check it out, though, Dursin explains U.S.Agent to me (though we disagree on if that name is cool. Spoiler alert - it is cool).
I will attempt to imbue some finality into this review and recap. I avoided my friend’s reviews until today, even saving Facebook posts to read later. I never want other people’s thoughts to creep their way into my reviews. I urged, begged, and pleaded for my Disney+ watching podcast hosts to talk only a little bit about Snyder Cut and to not mention the ending (as I knew it would differ from 2017’s Justice League). I got myself wrapped up in this mess of watching in chapters, and I was surprised to hear that someone had watched the whole thing before me! The Gents obliged my request…and we will be posting an episode with all four Gents soon with all of our thoughts talking over each other.
Batman in Justice League. Photo Courtesy of Warner Bros. Used by permission.
I was cast into a Fortress of Solitude of my own, praising JL in 2017. When they visited my office I was really chastised for having a JL poster above my desk. Nowadays, everyone is just a tiny bit nicer, none of us intentionally “Bring The Mean”, but I think hearts and minds have stopped spitting metaphorically on my Justice League poster. “People are saying” they at least … enjoyed a lot or some of Snyder Cut. I’ll take that as a big hug!
And I need hugs…part of the reason I watched JL so many times in the days of MoviePass was that I missed my Mom and I like watching a Batman that is old as me on the big screen.
Sometimes, life really is that simple.
The year my Mom died, though, I literally walked out of X-Men Apocalypse at a movie theatre in L.A. on a work trip. I had nothing else to do… nowhere to be…in Hollywood for Chrissakes, and I couldn’t even watch the whole movie. (This is just to let you know that I’m not totally devoid of taste)!
Moving on, the remainder of the movie is one hour and 9 minutes long at the Part 6 marker. I’m going to bang through this with bullet points and address the post-credit scene or Epilogue separately. You’ve made it this far, I will make the rest painless. Plus, I want to surprise Stacey with fully loaded chicken nachos to celebrate her getting a vaccination appointment today. It has been a long year for grocery store workers. I only work in food for #NFernoEats as an extra thing but used this to my advantage to get a shot as well. We’ve been waiting.
Concept Art
Part 6
Clark and Lois spend too much time at Kent Farm
Alfred puts on tea for The League. Ditch the technical vest, Alfie!
This movie makes absolute sense of the Mother Box/Pozharnov/Steppenwolf/Unity problem absolutely cocked up by the Whedon cut and his playful Soviet family bullshit
Lots of the fight scene is the same, but Cyborg, Flash and Superman’s solution to the Boom Tube baddies makes way more sense here
When picking a cute outfit, Supes opts for a “Just Resurrected” black motif out of his Fortress of Solitude closet. “Make it work” (it works)
Stacey, unfamiliar with Mullet Superman said he looks evil in black, I explain that if he were evil he would have a goatee
Bruce finally connects the Flash vision from BvS in a bit of dialogue. Something about Lois Lane…if this was in 2017’s movie, it was cut different and had a different meaning
Cyborg fixes The Flying Fox carrier and takes the League to the sky. No Aquaman sitting on the lasso of truth. That was dumb.
The Battle of Pozharnov is hard-fought, and Flash suffers an injury
We see Darkseid, Granny Goodness, and DeSaad through the portal
The Justice League Wins (I had faith)!
Page Six
Even after all this, I agree with my watch-a-long buddy (that hates Jesse Eisenberg’s Luthor) that this is largely unnecessary
Cool to see Deathstroke, one of the best character developments on TV, which makes him practically a household name now
Martian Manhunter creeps in on Bruce. Bruce is mad chill these days, just sitting in his lakeside house, ordering Uber Eats Dunkin Donuts
Cyborg’s moment happens (probably the most necessary part of this Epilogue) by listening to his Dad’s voice on a tape recorder he previously crushed. I understand him FIXING it, but making sure it doesn’t look broken? “C’Mon, Man”!
In a Marvel-type move, we get Ryan Choi (someone who takes on The Atom suit, but not the original Atom Ray Palmer) is introduced to S.T.A.R. Labs to take over the duties of Silas Stone
Flash visits Dad in prison - Cute! Trace this back to “The Button” an Dr. Manhattan is controlling this multiverse? Think about it!
Vulko and Aquaman have a moment, returning Arthur to the sea for his solo movie to talk to his Dad
Batman makes DKR a reality with a new Riot Tank (good for him, he deserves it!)
WW wraps up by contemplating the Arrow of Truth in the sunset
Clark looks like he may be returning to work at the Daily Planet, but with the ‘evil’ black suit under his street clothes
In a fugue state, Batman, Mera, Flash, Cyborg, and … Jared Leto’s … Joker (OK)? are all hanging out. I can’t make any sense of the Joker stuff, Harley is mentioned. Lots of nonsense to dig through here. Maybe it makes sense, but for some reason, I am distracted by how Batman’s cowl is fitting around his nose.
The less said about these last 5 minutes, the better I think